Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Happy International Women's Day| ETL

In honour of International Women's Day earlier this week we wanted to take some time to celebrate the women who have inspired us!

Growing Up...

One of my biggest inspirations growing up was Jacqueline Wilson. Pretty much as soon as I could talk I was telling stories and it was my dream to write books when I was older. I read so many books it became like breathing to me. The constant bags under my eyes are a sad consequence of endless nights under the covers reading until the early hours. One of my favourite authors was Jacqueline Wilson. I loved her books, I loved that she made me aware of issues that adults don't want to talk to kids about. Issues like abuse, domestic violence, poverty, being in care. I loved that she gave a voice to people I had never heard from and I wanted that. That's lead me down the path I'm on today as a journalist. I love to give people the opportunity to understand issues that don't affect them and to give a platform to those struggling to be heard.

I also got to go to a talk by her once and she signed my copy of Lola Rose and that was the coolest thing I had ever done ever so big up Jacqueline.


Anna Wintour. She's a powerful figure in the fashion industry and every girl's fashion icon. Wintour has been American Vogue's editor since 1988. She has highlighted the best fashion designers in history! Wintour has two children and she balances out her mesmerizing job and personal life, like the strong independent woman she is!


Malala Yousafzai. It is amazing to us how one girl with a passion and a heart for education has changed the world so much at such a young age. Perhaps it shouldn't be so amazing but she is really an inspiration to us. Education should be accessible to all no matter your age, gender, race or orientation and it's awful that some children just aren't given the opportunity to learn. Malala's campaigning has brought girl's education to the attention of people around the world and been a strong voice in all the darkness saying that restricting girls is not okay.


Irena Sendler. This lady is truly amazing. She worked as a nurse and social worker in the Polish underground in world war two and with a group of volunteers smuggled around 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw ghetto. Any woman who stands up for what she believes in, even in the face of fear, is a true inspiration to us. Irena was discovered, tortured and sentenced to execution but escaped and returned under a false name to continue working in Warsaw.


Beyonce (aka Queen B). You deffo heard people saying "Beyonce is a feminist hero" or even "Queen B is my role model." Why you ask? Well, Queen B creates the most beautiful powerful music you could ever hear!  Enough said.
AND... SPICE GIRLS... Strong independent women following their dreams and helping others in the process. "If you want my future, forget my past"-  another meaning for "don't judge." #inspired

Question of the day:
Who inspires you most? 


Twitter: @beboldbebright
Instagram: @embracethelight

BlogLovin: Embrace the Light 

Hope you enjoyed this post, let us know your thoughts below!


Ayah & Kimmy xxx

PS. This post is not sponsored in any way, shape or form.

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